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Soloman's Secrets, Sunrise

Soloman's Secrets, Sunrise

Hardback (07 Oct 2024)

  • $64.05
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Paperback (07 Oct 2024) $32.96

Publisher's Synopsis

In this meditative tapestry of thoughts, John Solomon Anderson III weaves a philosophical journey through the landscapes of self-discovery, resilience, and existential musings. It is a work that delves into the interplay of the metaphysical and the tangible, exploring the intricate dance of fate and free will amid the trials of life. Herein lies a profound exploration of identity, love, and the pursuit of truth, urging readers to embrace the full spectrum of their being and the universe's enigmatic beauty. It is a call to self-reflection, to seeking comfort not in outward acclaim but in the silent recognition of one's own journey-imperfect, unpredictable, yet utterly miraculous. Each page challenges the reader to contemplate the complexity of the human spirit and the profound undercurrents that connect us to one another and to the divinity that infuses every atom of existence.

Book information

ISBN: 9798895692226
Publisher: Booxai
Imprint: Spines
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 370
Weight: -1g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 29mm