Scottish Plant Lore

Scottish Plant Lore An Illustrated Flora

Hardback (21 May 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Scotland's plants define its landscape - from the heather moorlands of its iconic habitats to the weeds and a garden plants of its towns and cities. Plants have shaped the country's domestic economy and culture over centuries, providing resources for agriculture and industry as well as food, drink and medicines. They have even inspired children's games and been used as components in magical charms Drawing together traditional knowledge from archives and oral histories with the work of some of the country's finest botanical artists, this book is a magnificent celebration of the enormous wealth of Scottish plant lore.

Book information

ISBN: 9781780276908
Publisher: Birlinn Ltd
Imprint: Birlinn
Pub date:
DEWEY: 581.6309411
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Sales rank: 28393
Number of pages: 184
Weight: 1028g
Height: 226mm
Width: 248mm
Spine width: 25mm