Publisher's Synopsis
Working to safeguard adults is a complex area of practice that requires careful balancing of autonomy, protection and risk. In order to make good, lawful judgements about when and how to intervene, practitioners therefore need to have a comprehensive understanding of how the law applies to safeguarding adults.
In this text book best-selling author Alison Brammer brings together the many strands of adult safeguarding to provide a succinct guide to the legal framework. Designed to equip practitioners with the relevant knowledge for practice, it lays out the current legislation and guidance and applies it to different areas of adult safeguarding, including defining 'abuse', assessing capacity and dealing with cases of criminal law. The book goes on to analyse key examples of serious case reviews, including the cases of Steve Hoskin and Michael Gilbert.
Whether taking a module on Social Work Law or Safeguarding, or a qualified Social Worker, this concise guide to a key aspect of practise is essential reading.