Radioactive Wastes and Exposure

Radioactive Wastes and Exposure Fundamentals, Management Strategies and Environmental Implications - Waste and Waste Management

Hardback (01 Aug 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Medical exposure to ionising radiation remains by far the largest contributor to the radiation dose from manmade sources of radiation. Strategies for dose and risk management, with a focus on the minimisation of the stochastic effect and prevention of tissue reactions are presented in Chapter One. A critical review about solid radioactive wastes in Nuclear Medicine facilities and its management, storage and disposal is covered in Chapter Two. Chapter Three presents an assessment of a mixed system for calculating electromagnetic dosimetry that combined experimental radiation parameters and Finite Differences in Temporal Domain simulations based on numerical phantom rats. Chapter Four described and compares the legislation and legal provisions on waste disposal for medium, low and high levels of radiation among BRICS countries Brazil, Russia Federation, India, Peoples Republic of China and South Africa. Chapter Five introduces studies on the assessment of local acceptance of radioactive waste facilities.

Book information

ISBN: 9781536122138
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc
Imprint: Nova Science Publishers
Pub date:
DEWEY: 628.1685
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 145
Weight: 428g
Height: 160mm
Width: 232mm
Spine width: 19mm