Paul Harris: Simultaneous Learning Practice Starters

Paul Harris: Simultaneous Learning Practice Starters

Educational Cards (17 Feb 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

***Winner of the Best Education Product 2017 at the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence***

Paul Harris's Simultaneous Learning Practice Starters are a fun, imaginative way to kick-start music practice sessions and lessons. Simply pull out a card, follow the instructions and start making music, with 52 different ideas to try! Based on the renowned Simultaneous Learning approach, the cards aim to help build connections and develop all areas of musical learning. The pack covers scales, aural, theory, listening, performing and much more.

Paul Harris's Simultaneous Learning Practice Starters contain a pack of 52 cards and are suitable for singers and musicians of any instrument, from around age 7 / established beginners upwards.

"These cards are fun, imaginative, musical, and clearly support effective learning. Paul Harris's Practice Starters really are suitable for everyone." - 

"These are absolute winners. Great little adventures on every card. Comprehensive learning across the entire range of musical components. Refreshing and Original. Every piano teacher should have them." - L A Evenson


Book information

ISBN: 9780571539437
Publisher: Faber Music
Imprint: Faber Music
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 52
Weight: 112g
Height: 97mm
Width: 69mm
Spine width: 23mm