A History of Russian Women

A History of Russian Women 1700-2000

Hardback (15 Dec 2022) | Russian

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Publisher's Synopsis

Synthesizing decades of scholarship with her own work in primary and archival sources, Barbara Alpern Engel skillfully evokes the voices of individuals to enliven the account. The book captures the diversity of women's lives, detailing how women of various social strata were affected by and shaped historical change. Adopting the perspective of women provides fresh interpretations of Russia's past and important insights into the impact of gender on the ways that Russians defined themselves and others and imagined political change. Designed for a scholarly as well as popular readership, the book integrates women's experience into broader developments in Russia's social, economic, cultural and political history.

Book information

ISBN: 9798887190983
Publisher: Academic Studies Press
Imprint: Academic Studies Press
Pub date:
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 426
Weight: 735g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 24mm