
Obliquity Why Our Goals Are Best Achieved Indirectly

Paperback (27 Mar 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"John Kay tells a fast-paced detective story as he searches for the surprising secret to success...Brilliant."
-Tim Harford, author of The Logic of Life

In this revolutionary book, economist John Kay proves a notion that feels at once paradoxical and deeply commonsensical: the best way to achieve any complex or broadly defined goal, from happiness to preventing forest fires, is the indirect way. We can learn how to achieve our objectives only through a gradual process of risk taking and discovery-what Kay calls obliquity. The author traces this seemingly counterintuitive path to success as it manifests itself in nearly every aspect of life, including business, politics, sports, and more.

Book information

ISBN: 9780143120551
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Imprint: Penguin Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 158
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 228
Weight: 181g
Height: 190mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 23mm