Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life Histories and Biology

Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life Histories and Biology Proceedings of the 5th International Ephemeroptera Conference and the 9th International Plecoptera Conference - Series Entomologica

1990 edition

Hardback (31 Dec 1989)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The papers included in this volume were amongst day running of the conference, and Ms Julia those presented at the 5th International Epheme- Reed, Ms Kim James, Ms Anne Devereaux, roptera Conference and the 9th International Mr Peter Green, Ms Catriona Smith who assist- Plecoptera Conference at the Marysville Hotel, ed them, Mr David Ginn and all the staff at the Marysville Australia from the 18th to the 24th of Marysville Hotel also deserve special thanks for February 1987. The conference was attended by the the superb catering and relaxed atmosphere 62 participants from 21 countries. This was the they created which contributed so much to the frrst time the two conferences had been held conference. together, and the frrst time either had been held in All the papers included in this volume were the southern hemisphere. refereed prior to acceptance, and I would like to The papers included here cover a broad spectrum thank the following referees: Dr J. Davis, of research into the two orders of aquatic insects, Dr L. Barmuta, Dr R. Marchant, Mr T. Doeg, with the emphasis on life histories, which was the Dr P. Bailey, Dr S. Bunn, Dr R. Rowe, Dr R. theme of a joint symposium held during the con- Pearson, Ms C. Yule and Dr P. Suter. Ms Sue ference. The paper by Dr Brittain was presented Mitchell assisted with the typing and Ms Kerrle as a keynote address to that symposium. The Swadling with the proof-reading of the text.

Book information

ISBN: 9780792302896
Publisher: Springer Netherlands
Imprint: Springer
Pub date:
Edition: 1990 edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 366
Weight: 2070g
Height: 254mm
Width: 178mm
Spine width: 22mm