Love Me Never Leave Me: Discovering the Inseparable Bond That Our Hearts Crave

Love Me Never Leave Me: Discovering the Inseparable Bond That Our Hearts Crave

Paperback (23 Feb 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Caught off guard, surprised by their own reactions, emotions bubble up that women fight to smother. Where did that come from? What can I do with this feeling that won't go away? Why do I feel and act this way?Counselor Marilyn Meberg has been there too. When she got pregnant, she got scared. When her baby girl died, she got angry. When her husband died, she battled loneliness and sorrow. In between the peaks and valleys, Marilyn began to see a pattern that led to a greater understanding of herself and a richer happiness in life.She says, "We crave connection with the ones we love most, and when our bond with them is broken, damaged, or threatened, we fear being left. We fear abandonment."Love Me, Never Leave Me tells you that desiring a love that never leaves is natural, that there are ways to turn feelings of being abandoned into experiences of emotional abundance, and to know that you are God's beloved child—and he will never leave you or forsake you. "Thanks Marilyn for helping me make some sense to me. What a relief! Everyone I know is going to love this book. And you make me laugh. That's my kind of reading! By the way, I recommend people read in a room with chocolate cupcakes nearby. They'll know what I'm talking about as soon as they start the book; everybody's doing it." ?Sherri Shepherd, actress and co-host of The View"I do not know one single person who has not felt forgotten or abandoned sometime in life. I so recommend Marilyn's fantastic book. It is helping me way more than I even thought I needed. Grab a cupcake and settle in with me for a healing read. You'll thank me I promise!" ?Sandi Patty, singer, writer, speaker.

Book information

ISBN: 9781400278138
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Imprint: Thomas Nelson
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 185g
Height: 202mm
Width: 135mm
Spine width: 16mm