Kiya Shorts Anthology - Volume One: Fantasy Adventures with Egypt's High Seer

Kiya Shorts Anthology - Volume One: Fantasy Adventures with Egypt's High Seer - Kiya Shorts

Paperback (22 Jun 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

How did a foreign slave girl rise through the ranks of the perilous Egyptian court of Amenhotep III to take the position of High Seer of Egypt?

Taken from her family when the gods of Egypt chose her to guide the hot headed Pharaoh, Kiya's life is transformed as she walks a daily tightrope between the needs of the Pharaoh and the secret plot of the gods.

With a sprinkling of murder, a sticky fingered baboon, and the need to embed her position at court, it's a good thing Kiya is the most powerful oracle the world has ever seen.

Predict - Can a young foreign slave girl really secure one of Egypt's highest posts?

Behold - With no body can Kiya prove there's been a murder most foul?

A Theft - No one wants to risk the wrath of Queen Tiye but with a crazed queen on the rampage, and a court in chaos, can Kiya solve the mystery before the Queen's anger turns toward her?

Book information

ISBN: 9781999332952
Publisher: Novel Experience
Imprint: Novel Experience
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 174
Weight: 159g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 11mm