Introduction to Computing Applications in Forestry and Natural Resource Management

Introduction to Computing Applications in Forestry and Natural Resource Management

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Publisher's Synopsis

Due to the complexity of operational forestry problems, computing applications are becoming pervasive in all aspects of forest and natural resource management. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to computers and their applications in forest and natural resource management and is designed for both undergraduate and graduate students in forestry and natural resources. It introduces state-of-the-art applications for several of the most important computer technologies in terms of data acquisition, data manipulation, basic programming techniques, and other related computer and Internet concepts and applications. This book consists of six parts and 19 chapters.

Book information

ISBN: 9781138626300
Publisher: CRC Press
Imprint: CRC Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 634.920285
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 382
Weight: 810g
Height: 257mm
Width: 242mm
Spine width: 26mm