Hermeneutics and Discourse Analysis in Social Psychology

Hermeneutics and Discourse Analysis in Social Psychology - Psychology Research Progress

Hardback (16 Mar 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Today it is accepted that philosophical hermeneutics has become an important research paradigm within the social sciences, including social psychology. This interpretive turn seems preferable for the studies of moral belief systems, world-views, and legal systems as compared to the positive behavioural approach. It soon became clear that one of the consequences of the H-D paradigm is the discursive approach, especially as it relates to the attainment of a rational consensus among a group of peers. The desire for a rational consensus is based on the understanding that only discursively achieved agreements can prevent the use of force. This book examines hermeneutics and the use of discourse in general in social interactions.

Book information

ISBN: 9781612099439
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers Inc
Imprint: Nova Science Publishers
Pub date:
DEWEY: 302.01
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 168
Weight: 490g
Height: 260mm
Width: 180mm
Spine width: 9mm