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Healed from Lupus

Healed from Lupus From Death to Life

Hardback (17 Jan 2025)

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Publisher's Synopsis

As a young nurse entering motherhood, Olive Boettcher noticed her previously energetic body losing its vitality. Physical pain became her lot in life. Lupus Erethematosus, an auto-immune disease, was the diagnosis given her. She was told to learn to live with it; the doctors could do nothing to help.

For 17 long years she explored the Bible for clues as to whether healing happens today. Could she hope that she might be the recipient of a divine touch, even as her body continued to get worse? Being told that God could heal her, if He wanted to, didn't sit right with her. Who did she think she was, considering asking that of God?

Thus began Olive's search for answers. This led her into self-examination to learn how she might have gotten the disease in the first place. In the process she would question her God-given identity. Why was she on the planet? Would God step in and bring her out of death and back into glorious living?

This story will challenge you to look at your own faith and see if there might be blockages to prevent you from your true God-given identity.

Book information

ISBN: 9781779625571
Publisher: Tellwell Talent
Imprint: Tellwell Talent
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: -1g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 8mm