Publisher's Synopsis
This Handbook is the basic lessons for a detailed study of the numerous aspects of neural networks, power system operation. Hope that this Handbook will spark the interests and educate the minds of students and readers engaged in activities that may benefit from greater knowledge and use of Power System Operations. The Handbook is composed of scientists, engineers, and others who have recognized the importance of Optimization networks in Power System and their enormous potential application in many fields including engineering, medicine and finance. Hope readers will find this Handbook to be of great value to them in their professional lives and research. The relative maturity and demonstrated success of many projects indicate that the technology of neural networks is now ready and available for inclusion in practical product developments for industry. At present, it would appear that the major practical barrier to the greater use of neural networks in the electric power industry is their opacity (i.e., the difficulty of relating the internal structures and operation of the network to the external relations that it models). Either a detailed theoretical basis or a set of