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Go, Jane!

Go, Jane! Ancient Wisdom and Modern Street Smarts for Dealing With Dicks

Paperback (12 Apr 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Before you make a life-changing decision Before you go on another date Before you go out your front door... GO, JANE! Go, Jane! addresses a serious subject affecting all women, everyday, everywhere around the world: men who behave inappropriately, abusively, or criminally. The information and stories are presented so you not only feel comfortable--but actually look forward to reading and talking about them. Jane offers the loving guidance and occasional kick in the pants that helps us make healthier decisions, develop greater self-love, and protect ourselves from uncomfortable and dangerous situations we face much too often. Part 1: Run, Jane! puts you on alert to the situations Dicks contrive in our daily lives at home, in our neighborhoods, at work, and even online-and how to avoid and escape them. Part 2: Love, Jane! encourages ways to develop self-love, the single element most helpful in creating and maintaining positive relationships at home, dating (online dating covered in a special chapter), and in all aspects of life. If you positively love good men, but could do without the Dicks...get reading, Jane!"

Book information

ISBN: 9780985626440
Publisher: Hestia Books & Media
Imprint: Hestia Books & Media
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 242
Weight: 313g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 14mm