Donut Feed the Squirrels

Donut Feed the Squirrels - A Norma and Belly Book

First Edition

Hardback (29 Sep 2020)

  • $16.53
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Publisher's Synopsis

Two squirrel best friends meet their match: a donut food truck! This Eisner-nominated hilarious young graphic novel is perfect for fans of Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea and anyone who would do ANYTHING for a donut.

Norma and Belly would really really really really really like a donut.

With a burned breakfast and a cranky donut seller at the local food truck, they may be stuck with only nuts to eat . . . unless they can steal the biggest, most delicious donut of their tiny lives!

Mika Song gives readers something to laugh at as these squirrels try their hardest to get some donuts while just about everything goes wrong. A fun "donut caper" graphic novel that focuses on madcap action, problem-solving, and the power of working together.
"I'm nuts for these sweet and silly squirrels." -- Ben Clanton, author of Narwhal and Jelly

Book information

ISBN: 9781984895837
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Imprint: Random House Graphic
Pub date:
Edition: First Edition
DEWEY: 741.5973
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 101
Weight: 388g
Height: 172mm
Width: 222mm
Spine width: 16mm