Publisher's Synopsis
Donald Curtis was an outstanding leader in the New Thought movement for over 20 years. He was the senior minister of the Unity Church of Dallas. There, and through his radio and television programs, he ministered to and inspired thousands. Dr. Curtis' broad background and universal approach to spiritual matters made him welcome in all religious groups. He was also a prolific and bestselling author and lecturer. Among his other titles are: Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life, Human Problems and How to Solve Them, and The Golden Bridge. Dr. Curtis himself gives the best summary of this audiobook when he says, "This book is your personal 'do it yourself' construction kit. You are to use it to build for yourself a richer, fuller life. This is the greatest construction job which you will ever have the opportunity to undertake - building your own life. Your life is what you make it: For most of us, the task of life construction involves considerable reconstruction. Before we can build a solid structure, we must first clear away the debris of old ideas and habits. That is where this audiobook comes in. It contains the tools by which you change your consciousness, and therefore your life, from negative to positive. When this is done, there is no limit to the power and the joy of your constructive living."