Curves California

Curves California

Paperback (10 May 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Curves is a high-quality magazine, produced with love and aimed to be read by all who drive, bike or cycle with passion and seek the joy and adventure of the open road. People who are prepared to shake off their shackles and live their exclusive dream. It is a magazine for those for whom already the planning of a journey is an act of celebration. It is designed for the devotees and dreamers who experience the drive in their mind's eye before even embarking on the real-life adventure.

Book information

ISBN: 9783667104120
Publisher: Delius Klasing Verlag Gmbh
Imprint: Delius Klasing Verlag Gmbh
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 1068g
Height: 213mm
Width: 280mm
Spine width: 2mm