Conspiracy of Cats

Conspiracy of Cats

Paperback (26 Aug 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

CONSPIRACY OF CATS... a supernatural murder mystery. An apprehensive Jos Ferguson travels from Edinburgh to northern Tanzania to visit the house her Uncle Peter built before he died. But Peter isn't as dead as he should be... he was murdered, and he wants his niece to help him exact revenge upon his killer. With a little Maasai magic and a conspiracy of cats, Jos sets out to do exactly that. A beautiful house. A horrible death. A brilliant revenge. Who knew death could be so lively?

Book information

ISBN: 9781800740327
Publisher: Olympia Publishers
Imprint: Olympia Publishers
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 325
Weight: 510g
Height: 157mm
Width: 233mm
Spine width: 35mm