Clergy, Culture and Ministry

Clergy, Culture and Ministry The Dynamics of Roles and Relations in Church and Society - SCM Research

Hardback (06 Nov 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

All too often Church leaders may want to work cooperatively with others, and yet find themselves frustrated. Clergy, Culture and Ministry considers the difficulties and challenges faced by any incumbent wishing to interpret and understand what is going on in their congregation and parish, and why it might be happening. Engaging with the work of Wesley Carr, Ian Tomlinson brings theory and practice into conversation by responding to each of Carr's 'propositions' with a 'critical incident' from the author's own parish experience. Table of Contents: Foreword - Martyn Percy Introduction 1 Critical Incidents 2 Behaviours and Boundaries 3 Practical and Pastoral Theology 4 Applications and Reflections 5 Propositions and Practical Wisdom 6 Pastors, Preachers and Priests - Some Prescriptions Conclusion Afterword - Martyn Percy

Book information

ISBN: 9780334056188
Publisher: Hymns Ancient & Modern
Imprint: SCM Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 253
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 370g
Height: 143mm
Width: 224mm
Spine width: 15mm