Bittersweet Memories of Last Spring

Bittersweet Memories of Last Spring

Paperback (25 Jul 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In 1980, Yrvin Lacroix, a 17-year-old sailing from Haiti to Miami, Florida, leaves behind his childhood sweetheart, Régine, along with a promise to return. As time passes, Yrvin's affection for Régine wanes, overshadowed by his primary goal of pursuing an education. In Miami, he crosses paths with Michaela, a fellow student, and they fall deeply in love. However, their love faces a formidable obstacle when Yrvin discovers that Régine is also in Miami. Can Yrvin navigate this unexpected challenge while maintaining his academic focus?

Yrvin's journey of personal growth, resilience, and self-discovery will resonate with readers as he grapples with internal dilemmas and external hurdles. The novel delves into themes of love, sacrifice, cultural identity, and the pursuit of the American Dream, making it relevant to a diverse audience. The vivid portrayal of 1980s Miami enhances the narrative, immersing readers in the era's ambiance and its unique challenges.

The characters in the story represent the multicultural tapestry of Miami, offering glimpses into various perspectives and life experiences. Yrvin's involvement in intricate relationships and his determination to pursue an education will captivate readers from the opening page to the closing chapter.

Book information

ISBN: 9798986508610
Publisher: Village Care Corp.
Imprint: Village Care Corp.
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 420
Weight: 531g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 24mm