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Barriers and Bridges

Barriers and Bridges A Biblical Guide to Understanding, Impairments, Afflictions, & Suffering Within Today's World

Paperback (01 Jan 2005)

  • $12.68
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Publisher's Synopsis

Barriers and Bridges, a practical and in-depth guide designed to educate the reader on issues, concerns, and biblical instruction regarding physical impairments, afflictions, and personal suffering within today's world. The book helps the reader better understand the origin of these afflictions, societys view and treatment of the impaired, the role our perspective of man plays in our treatment of him, God's role in relation to the impaired, the means of gaining personal victory over impairment, afflictions and suffering, and much more. The book is a must read for those who are physically impaired, for those who counsel or care about those who are impaired, afflicted or suffering, and for those simply seeking answers to these complex issues. The book comes with a resource section and small group study questions for those interested in presenting the subject in a class or small group setting.

Book information

ISBN: 9780975907009
Publisher: Aadeon Publishing Company
Imprint: Aadeon Publishing Company
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 164
Weight: 213g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 10mm