An Artificial Revolution

An Artificial Revolution On Power, Politics, and AI

Paperback (17 Jul 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

AI has unparalleled transformative potential to reshape society, our economies and our working lives, but without legal scrutiny, international oversight and public debate, we are sleepwalking into a future written by algorithms which encode racist, sexist and classist biases into our daily lives - an issue that requires systemic political and cultural change to productively address. Bartoletti exposes the reality of the AI revolution, from the low-paid workers who toil to train algorithms to recognise cancerous polyps, to the rise of techno-racism and technochauvinism and the symbiotic relationship between AI and right wing populism. An Artificial Revolution is an essential primer to understand the intersection of technology and geopolitical forces shaping the future of civilisation.

Book information

ISBN: 9781911648116
Publisher: The Indigo Press
Imprint: The Indigo Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 303.4834
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 142
Weight: 124g
Height: 113mm
Width: 177mm
Spine width: 17mm