Publisher's Synopsis
Book Clubs are Very Important NowAs the world slowly lurches back to normal, book clubs may not yet have reopened in your country. This book will fill that void, at least till things are back to normal again!Welcome to your very own Virtual Book Club.We look for recommendations for music, restaurants, outfits...the list is endless. However, asking for book recommendations trumps all the others.A good book recommendation takes into account multiple factors: the time period in which a book is set is very important. The average rating of a book with other readers is almost as crucial - because the critics' rating doesn't always reflect entertainment value, which is a key thing that casual readers (most of us) look for.Book genres are, surprisingly, not very crucial to the process of discovering new authors and new pieces of literature.In this volume, you are given fortnightly book recommendations to tide you through an entire year! Every book title comes with three important pieces of data: the name of the author, the year of publication, and an average reader rating (out of 100). These three are all you need to discover a potentially new great book; this is all about exploration.I've made sure to give you more book recommendations for a fortnight than you can possibly finish reading; this way, you can use this book reading list year after year, and become a true bibliophile.Happy Reading!