Publisher's Synopsis
Good posture is about posture upright to look good. It is an important part of your long-term life. Ensuring that you hold your body properly, whether you are walking or walking, can prevent pain, injury, and other health problems.The key to good posture is your position. Your spine has three natural curves - your neck, middle back, and lower back. Proper posture should keep these curves, but not raise them. Your head should be above your shoulders, and the top of your shoulder should be above your hips.Employers have a responsibility to provide safe working conditions and a work environment free of all pressures, including the provision of information and training of employees on occupational posture and ergonomics. Improper posture at work is a major cause of back pain, stress at work, repeated injuries, leading to menstruation, reduced productivity, poor employee health, low morale, and high costs. The technical content of this free tutorial article was provided by ergonomics expert Hugh Babington Smith (now retired), and the donation was gratefully accepted. Incorporating these simple workplace and ergonomics techniques will improve the working environment and the well-being of employees.Good posture is essential for proper alignment of bones, joints, tendons, muscles, tendons, and nerves, which is important in ensuring that they can function properly and smoothly. Smooth, efficient movements - known as good body presses - ensure that pressure is evenly distributed when a person is sitting, posture, walking, lifting, twisting, pushing, or pulling, reducing physical damage - especially joints, muscles, and connective tissue.