Publisher's Synopsis
"This is the best sailing memoir I have read." - Reader.
Beginning in the snowy Ural mountains of Russia on cross country skis, to the AMEL shipyard in La Rochelle, France in their sailing gear, the voyage begins with an introduction to sailing this marvelous vessel into a Force10 storm with only a couple hours at the stern, learning how to navigate this boat. By the day2 of a 4-day storm, the couple is questioning how they got to where they were and had to pull deep to be able to survive. Following this episode, the book just leads naturally into the remaining part of the story, which is heartwarming. Julie and Glen learn as they go and the lands and islands ahead of them are important treasurers in their journey.
The book is equal parts adventure, social commentary, history lesson, the natural world, and moments of self-reflection.
The premise of the book is the story of a retired Army couple, who decided to buy a boat and travel around the world. This book is book one of their travels. The story is told by the wife, who offered personal reflections, comments, and very vivid descriptions of their adventures.