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Narasimha The Great Protector - MythQuest

Paperback (06 Sep 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This is the story of Narasimha, the great half-lion and half-man, who was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu himself and appeared on earth to rid it of great evil. 'Narasimha caught Hiranyakashipu as easily as a snake seizing a tiny mouse and the great asura was helpless in his grip...' He was the fierce Vishnu avatar who appeared on earth to rid it of evil forces, thus fulfilling an ancient prophecy. This half-man and half-lion was one of the strongest creatures in the three worlds. He had the power of the gods, the strength of a hundred lions and the wisdom of the sages. Read his thrilling story...

Book information

ISBN: 9789350093245
Publisher: Hachette India
Imprint: Hachette India Children's Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 62g
Height: 198mm
Width: 129mm
Spine width: 12mm