13 Bridges Children Should Know

13 Bridges Children Should Know - 13 Children Should Know

Hardback (07 Sep 2015)

  • $16.32
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Publisher's Synopsis

The most recent addition to Prestel's acclaimed series, which introduces children to important works of art and architecture, offers a fascinating look at bridges that span the centuries as well as the globe. The bridges profiled in this engaging book for young readers have achieved legendary status. Filled with photographs, plans, drawings, and informative texts it explores the fascinating history, construction, design, and significance of 13 renowned structures in a manner that will appeal to children hungry for
information. In double-page spreads that highlight important
as well as little-known facts, they will learn about the building
of the Millau Viaduct, the tallest bridge in the world; how the
Golden Gate bridge lives up to its evocative name; the haunting
history of Venice's 16th-century Bridge of Sighs, and the
ingenious construction methods devised by the builders of the
Brooklyn Bridge. Vibrantly designed to encourage children to
linger and explore the subject further, this book will appeal to
curious minds, and inspire its young readers to dream and build
on their own.

About the Publisher


Prestel is one of the world's leading illustrated book publishers with a stunning list of beautifully crafted books on all aspects of art, architecture, photography and design. From the latest pop culture and fashion to major exhibition catalogues, Prestel ensures that quality reigns throughout everything they publish. Prestel is the publisher for art lovers, designers and those with an eye for beauty - young and old alike, Prestel appeals to all those with a passion for visual culture.

Book information

ISBN: 9783791372402
Publisher: Prestel Publishing
Imprint: Prestel
Pub date:
DEWEY: 725.98
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 45
Weight: 580g
Height: 289mm
Width: 249mm
Spine width: 12mm