Michael Rakowitz - Backstroke of the West

Michael Rakowitz - Backstroke of the West

Paperback (24 Oct 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Iraqi-American Michael Rakowitz's provocative multimedia projects confront popular political histories, particularly those of the US and Iraq. Whether serving Iraqi cuisine from his Enemy Kitchen food truck alongside Iraqi refugees and war vets, or recreating items lost during the 2003 looting of the National Museum in Baghdad, Rakowitz works to address the trauma created by Saddam Hussein's regime and the US. The book explores ten of Rakowitz's most renowned works and a new commission. The accompanying texts, drawings, and personal commentary offer a multi-faceted look at the artist's entire practice, demonstrating art's ability to engage and confront the viewer and to generate socio-political commentary across broad social and cultural divides.

About the Publisher



Prestel is one of the world's leading illustrated book publishers with a stunning list of beautifully crafted books on all aspects of art, architecture, photography and design. From the latest pop culture and fashion to major exhibition catalogues, Prestel ensures that quality reigns throughout everything they publish. Prestel is the publisher for art lovers, designers and those with an eye for beauty - young and old alike, Prestel appeals to all those with a passion for visual culture.

Book information

ISBN: 9783791357478
Publisher: Prestel
Imprint: Prestel
Pub date:
DEWEY: 709.2
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 143
Weight: 456g
Height: 207mm
Width: 256mm
Spine width: 11mm