Publisher's Synopsis
Since the early twentieth century, contemporary art and art theory have creatively challenged the status of representation. During that time, the court of law has come to rely on a variety of new representational modes and technologies. The law is increasingly staged on a screen and the photographs, video documents, audio recordings used as evidence are not entirely distinct from their correlates in contemporary art, cinema and mass media. What questions of representation, judgment and justice cross borders between art and the law? Through the contribution of internationally renowned artists and scholars, this anthology explores how the aesthetics of new media technology and its spatial implementations affect the judicial system in relation to fundamental concepts such as truth and representation.
Produced by Henie Onstad Art Centre, Norway
Julie A. Cassiday, Costas Douzinas, Piyel Haldar, Martin Jay, Peter Goodrich, Richard Mohr, Judy Radul, Avital Ronell, Eyal Sivan, Cornelia Vismann
Artistic contributions by John Baldessari, Dan Graham, Harun Farocki, Stan Douglas, Aernout Mik, Agency, Judy Radul, Renzo Martens, Ana Torfs, The Atlas Group, René Magritte, Model Court, Rana Hamadeh, Thomas Demand, Les Levine