Publisher's Synopsis
Introducing the Flitlits to Young Readers
At your place, or any space where flowers grow or rivers flow, spring up!
Spot folk at plots that time forgot within a shaded shelter.
A map at hand lays out the land.
It is a hidden corner.
Funny fables come your way that share the far folk's daring days.
They may be tricky, good, or better.
The folk flit and swish.
They float when they wish.
Follow them soon.
About Introductory Book 3 / JESTER BIT / Confident Reading / US English Version
JESTER BIT can not stop plotting.
He spots hot tips while he is trotting.
He wears a jest-vest and a hat to pick tricks on a wonder mat.
As Jester grew up, he began to craft tricks like a Master Plan.
The funny scamp plays many tricks, mostly with his twiddle stick.
The think-tank under Jester's hat wonders this and ponders that.
When his stunts are far from clever, he puzzles in a ponder corner.
STORY 3 finds Jester wearing foxy socks to check an empty money box.
The prankster longs for runny honey days ahead of spending money.
He works so hard on an idea.
Is it a clumsy trick? Oh, dear!
Jester floats to wild Gale Vale for Dame LaConk to hear his tale.
He finds a Wish Dish on a chain and holds it, though he has to strain.
He has a rather poor idea to head to Muddle Maze in low, low gear.