Publisher's Synopsis
Introducing the Flitlits to Young Readers
At your place, or any space where flowers grow or rivers flow, spring up!
Spot folk at plots that time forgot within a shaded shelter.
A map at hand lays out the land.
It is a hidden corner.
Funny fables come your way that share the far folk's daring days.
They may be tricky, good, or better.
The folk flit and swish.
They float when they wish.
Follow them soon.
About Introductory Story 2 / QUEENY SQUASH/ Confident Reading / US English Version
A hidden land named Seldom See has a queen and king.
Queeny Squash rules the land along with Kingy Bling.
They have a lively toddler titled Princess Peachy.
The princess clatters tuneless drums and mimics all things screechy.
Queeny Squash wears bother boots.
When she bolts, others scoot.
She pounds the ground without a break until the palace rocks and shakes.
Follow STORY 2 and gaze as Queeny stumbles round a maze.
A sign spells out: COLLECT A PASS.
She may swing left or spring right past.
The Flitlits love their Muddle Maze.
It sits beneath pink, tinkling haze.
It has a keeper, Hoody Wink.
Folk at the maze tend to think that he sneaks around and slinks as he plots out secret links.