Cursed Bunny

Paperback original

Paperback (15 Jul 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Cursed Bunny is a genre-defying collection of short stories by Korean author Bora Chung. Blurring the lines between magical realism, horror, and science-fiction, Chung uses elements of the fantastic and surreal to address the very real horrors and cruelties of patriarchy and capitalism in modern society.

Anton Hur’s translation skilfully captures the way Chung’s prose effortlessly glides from being terrifying to wryly humorous. Winner of a PEN/Heim Grant.

We Say...
Cursed Bunny is a deliciously grotesque collection of short stories that are excitingly mixed in genre! Strange, jarring, and viscerally intelligent, they explore capitalism, womanhood, gaslighting, patriarchy, and so much more. Just bone-chillingly good!
Ilaria, Bookseller

Book information

ISBN: 9781916277182
Publisher: Honford Star
Imprint: Honford Star
Pub date:
Edition: Paperback original
DEWEY: 895.735
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Sales rank: 3837
Number of pages: 251
Weight: 292g
Height: 131mm
Width: 199mm
Spine width: 26mm