Publisher's Synopsis
Reliquiae is a literary journal of poetry, prose and translations. It interleaves ecologically aware writing from the past and present, ranging from the ethnological to the philosophical, the lyrical to the visionary. It is published biannually in May and November.
Vol 8 No 1 features new work from the following:
Peter Mark Adams, Dan Beachy-Quick, Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Roz Quillan Chandler, Jake Crist, Kim Dorman, Jasmine Gallagher, James Goodman, Brian Johnstone, Aashish Kaul, Steffi Lang, Jane Lovell, Jay Merill, C.S. Mills, Christine Morro, Paul Prudence, Autumn Richardson, Penelope Shuttle, Richard Skelton, Judi Sutherland
And archive work from:
Marcus Aurelius, Hildegard von Bingen, Thomas Browne, Celtic mythology, John Gower, Robert Hooke, Magda Isanos, Walter K. Kelly, Klamath Folklore, R.P. Masani, Charlotte Mary Mew, Southern African Folklore, Edward Step, Janil Uc Tun, Tsimshian Mythology, W.B. Yeats.