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The Bed

The Bed

Paperback (28 Mar 2024)

  • $20.42
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Publisher's Synopsis

'Selima Hill is an inimitable talent. The mind is fragile and unreliable in her poetry, but is also tenacious and surprising, capable of the most extraordinary responses, always fighting back with language as its survival kit.

Life in general might be said to be her subject, the complications,

contradictions and consequences of simply existing. Nevertheless, Hill's

writing is eminently readable and approachable, even fun at times, the voice of a person and a poet who will not be quieted and will not conform to

expectations, especially poetic ones.'

Simon Armitage

Book information

ISBN: 9781911048787
Publisher: Fair Acre Press
Imprint: Fair Acre Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 56
Weight: 91g
Height: 165mm
Width: 165mm
Spine width: 4mm