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Parents as Partners

Parents as Partners Positive Relationships in the Early Years - Positive Relationships in the Early Years

2nd edition

eBook (28 May 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

It is a widely acknowledged fact that if parents are involved in their child's early learning there is a positive impact on development and later school achievement. This title looks at how to build a positive relationship with the parents of children in your care, whether you work in a group or home setting. This book offers practical advice on: how to set up and maintain a respectful relationship with parents, what the EYFS expects of practitioners, how to encourage parental involvement, how to include fathers as well as mothers and working with hard-to-reach parents.

Book information

ISBN: 9781907241666
Publisher: Andrews UK
Imprint: Quat Books
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd edition
Weight: -1g