The Human War

The Human War

Paperback (07 Jun 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Heralding the arrival of a major new talent, Noah Cicero's first European publication includes two short stories and a novella, The Human War, about the first hours of the 2003 war in Iraq as experienced by a screwed-up kid in Ohio who feels the world is spinning out of his control. His reaction to the coming war? He drinks, has sex, goes to a strip club, he does anything that Youngstown, Ohio offers as human distraction - but this only makes the horror deepen. Noah Cicero's deadpan humour is reminiscent of Sartre and Beckett, and The Human War is a blackly funny and deeply cruel look at the cold heart of the world.

Book information

ISBN: 9781905005468
Publisher: Snowbooks
Imprint: Snowbooks
Pub date:
DEWEY: 813.6
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 120
Weight: 101g
Height: 205mm
Width: 142mm
Spine width: 10mm