The Play of the Eyes

The Play of the Eyes

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Publisher's Synopsis

The third volume of Canetti's autobiography is set in Vienna between 1931 and 1937: years when the European catastrophe, already clear to anyone with eyes to see, was approaching its horrifying climax. To this great intellectual and spiritual self-portrait Canetti adds wonderful portraits of his friends and rivals: Herman Broch, Robert Musil, Fritz Wortruba, Alban Berg and Alma Mahler. Canetti brings these legends to life for modern readers as never before. Central to the book is Canetti's account of his friendship with the mysterious Doctor Sonne, a mentor whose effect on his life and work was enormous.

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Granta Books is one of the most independent-minded and prestigious literary publishers in the UK. The company publishes around 25 new titles a year, both literary fiction and upmarket non-fiction, and provides authors with the intimacy of a small, passionate and creative team while consistently punching above its weight in review coverage, prizes, cultural impact and sales.

Book information

ISBN: 9781847083555
Publisher: Granta Publications
Imprint: Granta Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 838.91209
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 336
Weight: 224g
Height: 197mm
Width: 131mm
Spine width: 23mm