The Power of Yi: Ancient Philosophy for a Better Life

The Power of Yi: Ancient Philosophy for a Better Life

Paperback (24 Jul 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Yi was created 6,500 years ago. Around 500 B.C., Confucius and his disciples compiled ten commentaries on Zhou Yi, one of the branches of Yi.

In 200 A.D., Zhou Yi and the commentaries were combined into what is known today as "Yi Jing". In 1924, Richard Wilhelm translated Yi Jing for the western audience, entitling it "I Ching" or The Book of Changes, which provides instruction on how to handle fifty narrow sticks for the purpose of divination.

In contrast to the common view of Yi being only a tool for divination, based on fifty years of research in science and Chinese classics, and through real-life situations, the author of The Power of Yi reveals how the philosophical values of Yi can be applied for living in harmony with yourself and others.

Book information

ISBN: 9781788940627
Publisher: Discovery Publisher
Imprint: Discovery Publisher
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 348
Weight: 508g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 20mm