Walk Through History Victorian London

Hardback (01 Mar 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

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Ebury Press

Including memoir and popular history, cookery and humour books, travel-writing, sport, music and reference, Ebury Press publishes across the range of popular non-fiction. Combining books from household names such as Caitlin Moran, Yotam Ottolenghi, Madhur Jaffrey, Danny Wallace, Annabel Karmel, Dave Gorman, Stuart Maconie, Delia Smith and Pam Ayres - with work from the newest talents, Ebury Press has a reputation for publishing bestsellers in almost every genre of commercial non-fiction.

Book information

ISBN: 9781785036897
Publisher: Ebury Publishing
Imprint: Ebury Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 942.1081
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 301
Weight: 292g
Height: 122mm
Width: 187mm
Spine width: 29mm