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How to Get Away With Lying

How to Get Away With Lying - Immortal Bloodlines

Paperback (03 Sep 2024)

  • $19.22
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Publisher's Synopsis


It's hard for Jessi Alvarez to mourn the death of her sworn enemy, Adley Morgenstern, who recently died after taking her own life. After all, Jessi was the one who threatened Adley to leave Ember Falls - and she knows that if everyone else knew the truth about the chaos Adley caused, they would have wanted her dead too.

Ethan Landers, on the other hand, is struggling to understand why something bad keeps happening to everyone around him. First, his sister, Annabeth, was murdered, and now, his girlfriend had supposedly committed suicide on the night they were going to run away. Was there something more going on?

What nobody knows is that there are two witches in town with a plan for vengeance, though to perform their spell, they'll need an angel, a full demon, and a witch without knowledge of their powers...

The past can't stay dead forever, and sometimes, knowledge is dangerous when secrets are more tightly intertwined than one might think.

Book information

ISBN: 9781738352333
Publisher: Enya Clancy
Imprint: Enya Clancy
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 404
Weight: 417g
Height: 203mm
Width: 133mm
Spine width: 21mm