Publisher's Synopsis
Green superfood are natural foods that are loaded with an abundance of nutrients that are above and beyond what is contained in most foods. In some cases, a green superfood is not only considered a source of nutrition but also a means of treating various types of health conditions. Blends of two or more green superfoods are often sold in health food stores and similar outlets.One of the distinguishing characteristics that many examples of green superfood share is that the foods are not considered traditional fare in many Western cultures. For example, several types of seaweed are considered to be highly nutritious, but are rarely served outside of ethic selections such as Korean or Thai cuisine. However, the high nutritional value of seaweed has led to the development of a number of green superfood products of this type. The choices range from dried seaweed that can be consumed as a tasty snack to prepared seaweed that may be used as an ingredient in a main dish or as an appetizer.