Publisher's Synopsis
By a CFS Sufferer.For a CFS Sufferer . Live well in the midst of CFS . Easy-to-Read, even for the "foggy-minded" CFS Sufferer . Resource-Full! Fact Sheet, checklist, remedies, readings, & suggested tests "CFS is a Call for Soulwork" is a deeply profound gift to the CFS sufferer in search of hope, understanding, and, above all, caring. Gretchen Brooks Nassar shares a heart and spirit-centered approach to healing, in language that is intimate, insightful, and reader-friendly. A CFS sufferer herself, Gretchen articulates her intensely painful and personal experiences, sharing how to see: the teacher in the illness experience; embrace illness; decide to heal, and learn to "be." Abundant in wisdom, and broadly based in its alternative approach to healing, this is a book destined to help you, the CFS sufferer, turn from victim to victor!