Publisher's Synopsis
A popular platitude used in an attempt to comfort the struggling soul or explain part of the healing process is, "Time heals all wounds." The question asked in this book is: "What did time do for Job and his counselors?" How did things look fifteen years after the events described in that biblical masterpiece which introduces us to the man, Job. Where were Job and his friends emotionally, socially, economically, professionally, and spiritually after time had a chance to work its wonders? "Have you considered my servant Job?" This was the question posed by God in response to Satan's report that he had just completed his 'devotion' survey of our planet. That question resulted in the cosmic struggle between good and evil being placed (temporarily) on the shoulders of one man who dared to scream and shake his fist at his God. People have been responding to that inquiry ever since. Join this ancient pursuit; enter the conversation and respond to God as He inquires of you, "Have you considered my servant Job?"