A Merciful Promise

A Merciful Promise - Mercy Kilpatrick Novels

Paperback (18 Jun 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Wall Street Journal bestselling series continues as Mercy Kilpatrick becomes embedded in the nightmare of a terrorist conspiracy.

The job: infiltrate a militia amassing illegal firearms in an isolated forest community. FBI agent Mercy Kilpatrick is the ideal candidate. She knows Oregon. She's near the compound. And having been raised among survivalists, Mercy understands the mind-set of fanatics. Lay low, follow rules, do nothing to sound an alarm, and relinquish all contact with the outside world. She's ready to blend in.

As Mercy disappears into the winter hills, something just as foreboding emerges. Mercy's fiancé Eagle's Nest police chief Truman Daly, is faced with a puzzling series of murders-three men dumped in random locations after execution-style shootings.

Now, for Mercy, trapped in a culture where suspicion is second nature, and betrayal is punishable to the extreme, there is no way out. No way to call for help. And as plans for a catastrophic terrorist event escalate, there may be no way to stop them. Even if Mercy dies trying.

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Montlake Romance

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Book information

ISBN: 9781503900325
Publisher: Amazon Publishing
Imprint: Montlake Romance
Pub date:
DEWEY: 813.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 319
Weight: 330g
Height: 210mm
Width: 143mm
Spine width: 20mm