Publisher's Synopsis
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; Ex. 20;5The blood of the human race are polluted since the very moment Adam offences the Word of God.The iniquities of all ancestors has been visiting the human race until this very moment you read this book, and dear reader; you are not excluded from the visitation, just do some introspection and see how you behave every day.You surely reply; but I don't serve idols or craven images.Really: what about your doctrine or the doctrine of the church you attended for the past 80 years. Did you never cut a piece out of the infinity of the Holy Tri-Unity and only serve that part to protect your doctrine?For example: you say God is only a God of love; You cut only a loving God from the Wholeness of God and serve only a loving God, What about, serving a God of War, or a Jealous God or a God who break the of the enemies, or a God who smite the enemies with pestilence.When you just serve only a cut out part of the Wholeness or infinitive God, you hate Him and He will pour down His wrath upon you, because you make and serve a craven image of Him and not the wholeness of him in His infinity.