
Katabasis A Novel of the Foreworld - Foreworld Saga

Paperback (29 Oct 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The death of the fearsome Ögedei Khan has brought the Mongol invasion of the West to an abrupt halt. Exhausted, plagued by uncertainty and self-doubt, and reeling from betrayal by one of their own, the surviving Shield-Brethren struggle across a frozen, shattered wasteland to return home after their desperate battle in Mongolia.

Their mission is complete-Christendom has been saved-but new and terrible questions haunt each member of the company: Are they heroes or villains? Or just pawns in a larger game, trapped in a world gone mad in the wake of the unspeakable devastation visited upon it by the Mongol horde?

And most poignant of all, where-and what-is "home" now, and what will be their place in the world they fought to defend?

Katabasis, a new novel in the acclaimed Foreworld Saga, follows the survivors as they struggle to confront their own fears and decide who they truly are-and whom they will ultimately serve.

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Amazon Publishing delivers an eclectic range of reading experiences, from Westerns to Women's Fiction, literary fiction to nonfiction.

Book information

ISBN: 9781477848210
Publisher: Amazon Publishing
Imprint: 47North
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 404
Weight: 484g
Height: 210mm
Width: 141mm
Spine width: 27mm