Publisher's Synopsis
'Essential' Adam Rutherford, bestselling author of How to Argue With a Racist
'In an area where factual accuracy is often rejected in favour of moralising or panicking this book is a vitally useful and frequently fascinating' Robin Ince
Drugs. We've all done them. Whether it's a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, a cigarette or a sleeping pill. But how well do we understand the effects of the drugs we take - legal or illegal?
Say Why to Drugs investigates the science behind recreational drugs- debunking common myths and misconceptions, as well as containing the most recent scientific research. Looking at a range of drugs, this book provides a clear understanding of how drugs work and what they're really doing to your mind and body.
Along the way you will find out why ketamine is on the WHO's list of essential medicines, why some researchers hope MDMA could treat PTSD, and much more.
Enlightening, entertaining, and thought-provoking, Say Why to Drugs is a compelling read that will surprise and educate proponents on both sides of the drugs debate.
A definitive and authoritative guide to drugs and why we get high from the creator of the top-rated podcast, Say Why to Drugs.