Lady Killer

Lady Killer - Mr Crook Murder Mystery


Paperback (14 Mar 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Henry's vocation is being a husband. First he woos. Then he weds. Then he kills...
Classic crime from one of the greats of the Detection Club

When he falls in love with orphan Sarah, Henry takes her to a lonely cottage and her initial happiness at being with him soon gives way to some uncomfortable suspicions. But will anyone reach the isolated spot before Henry deems her a little too inquisitive for her own good?

Book information

ISBN: 9781471909962
Publisher: Orion
Imprint: The Murder Room
Pub date:
Edition: Reprint
DEWEY: 823.912
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 282g
Height: 198mm
Width: 128mm
Spine width: 20mm