Publisher's Synopsis
Parts 1 through 4 of this heavily illustrated book provide the Bible-encoded historical record of all U.S. presidential elections, all British kings and queens, world leaders of sixteen countries, and assassinations world- wide over 4000 years. These provide the evidence foundation for Part 5, the fictional treatment of the disturbing Bible Code finding about U.S. President Barack Obama at the end of Part 4, Bible-encoded assassina- tions. The novel is about an esoteric struggle to somehow stop the attack, a quasi science fiction take on the power of the Ark of the Covenant, which is hidden beneath the Vatican. Where its key is hidden takes an erotic turn meant for adults only as a sacrilegious drama is played out between a priest and a mysterious young woman who might be a priestess of the Mary Magdalene cult at a remote Templar castle in the mountains of northern Armenia, 98 miles directly north of Mt. Ararat, where Noah's Ark came to rest after the Deluge. Their 'magica sexualis' might not be strong or pure enough, even with sympathetic magic projected along the latitude shared by the castle and the Vatican, to thwart the Bible-encoded attack in St. Peter's Square during the president's visit with the pope -- Bible-encoded specifics discovered by the author and shown in many Bible Code matrices of the original Hebrew Torah's text, of details of the attack, such as when, their gender, their religion, their attire, what weapon, and where hidden. Does the encoded Word of God reveal Destiny, or can Fate be resisted and altered, and if so, by using what forces? Can Love and Eros defeat Fear and Hatred? Does the inescapable denouement, illustrated in the last chapter, as found specifically encoded in the Torah, reveal an actual "sacramental, sacred rite, sacrifice"?